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OCE Reentry Programs
About 95% of currently incarcerated individuals will someday release back into the community. The spotlight on inclusion and equity has shined brightly on the need for those who are reentering to have a quality start to their new life. Essential to success is gainful, living wage or better employment. OCE's programs are focused directly on offering skills for workplace success, and we are partnering with Second Chance employers to create direct pipelines to immediate employment. If you are recently released or are an employer who is looking for eager, trained workers, please review these materials for more information.
Ready to register your business now and create opportunities for people who are eager for employment? Take the first step toward closing the labor gap.
OCE programs are designed to support individuals in building the skills and confidence they need to succeed in their personal and professional lives. Our team is committed to helping individuals achieve their training goals and make a positive impact in their communities after release.Below you will find information about our programs, including details about the certifications and training we offer, as well as the social impact of our programs. We are proud of the individual successes of those who have gone through our programs, and we are committed to continuing to make a difference for all Oregonians.
If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to us through our Contact page.

Become a Partner
Enhance Your Workforce Capacity: With OCE's support, add to your team, increase productivity, and help your business grow.Partner with OCE to provide opportunities and help write countless more success stories. Two options are available for organizations interested in establishing a partnership with OCE to reach the AIC workforce while they are still in the training programs:
- The government entity model (for government, non-profit and tribal entities).
- The private partnership model.
Our vision extends even beyond these existing models. We aim to broaden opportunities for individuals releasing, facilitating their transition into employment and a better life directly upon parole.
Ready to partner with us? Contact Us today and select "Partnership" under the "Nature of Request" option.

Information for Former AICs
Are you a former AIC looking for information related to OCE program participation?OCE can help you with the following records:
- Performance reviews
- Certification training
- Safety training
- W-2s for participation in PIE certified programs
Please contact the Oregon Department of Corrections for the following information:
- 1099s
- Oregon Trail Card (OTC) information
- Name
- Dates assigned to OCE Programs
- Work Skills Certifications
- OCE work experience and training
Studies show having stable employment and a higher-education degree can reduce recidivism. Find more information on higher education after incarceration, including grants and scholarships.